Mission Trip Dates

June 29-July 14, 2012

Monday, July 9, 2012


1 Thessalonians 5:11       
"Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing."

Tonight Piotr ended our evening with a special gift for each of the leaders.  One by one he gave each of us special words of thanks. His words are a gift that I will treasure always, and I'm sure this is true for each of the other leaders in the room as well. Amazingly enough, the Americans along with Lukasz began our day in prayer that related to encouraging each other. I cannot remember Daniel's exact words, but while praying, he lifted up to God our desire that we would use words of encouragement with each other and with the students throughout our remaining time here. All I can think is that God is so good. Daniel lifted this up in the morning, and Piotr gave not only the gift of encouragement, but a wonderful example of the effect encouragement has on others.

God blessed the time in between as well. English lessons included time in our own rooms as well as lessons for the whole camp. Kathy prepared a story and lesson from India which I was able to help her with. We included a project that required making dough and shaping it. As an elementary teacher I'm used to messes such as these, but God bless Kathy for going with it! Daniel and Judy prepared scavenger hunts for the students. The students had to put to use the English they have been learning to be successful with the hunt!

There were many afternoon and evening activities today. The American kids have really enjoyed learning new games and spending time with the Polish children. The American adults have been known to get involved as well. Randy is a regular on the soccer field, Daniel frequents the evening games, and we all get involved in one way or another. This time with the children of the camp is priceless.

Please pray with us that we will be an encouragement to each other and to the children of the camp!

God bless you all!

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